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Stay Informed for an Enjoyable Experience


IRPC Range Rules 12/3/21

1. You must shoot directly down range into a berm. ABSOLUTELY NO FIRING ACROSS RANGE AT


2. Never place targets on the ground in front of berms - this results in ricochets – ONLY place targets at the foot

of the berm. Think safety first, we have neighbors to think about.

3. Do not attach targets to or in front of wooden uprights. Targets are to be attached to the provided backboards or

chicken wire ONLY - No plastic or glass targets permitted on any IRPC Range.

4. Practice "pack-it-in/pack-it-out" courtesy. If you bring targets or other disposable items, such as empty

ammunition boxes or food containers, please pick them up and put them in provided trash containers or take

them home with you when you leave.

5. Do not use high power rifles to shoot gongs on the pistol ranges. High power rifles destroy the metal gongs and

ruins the range for others to use.

6. Use of exploding and organic (vegetable/fruit etc.) targets including ALL incendiary tracer rounds is strictly


7. Use of 50 BMG, Full Auto or Simulated Full Auto are Strictly PROHIBITED

8. Bird Shot or Clay Pigeon Throwers are strictly prohibited except on ranges dedicated to trap, skeet or shot


9. Nothing larger than .22 rimfire ammunition is allowed on the .22 Range.

10. Range gate must be locked when entering or leaving the range. If you are using the range and there are several

different vehicles, please designate a person to ensure the gate is secure - do not assume someone else will lock

the gate.

11. Shooting further than 300 yards is NOT ALLOWED without permission AND only by experienced marksmen.

12. Members may bring up to four (4) guests to the IRPC Range. Guests must be accompanied by a member AT


13. No alcoholic beverages are to be consumed until you are finished shooting. ABSOLUTELY no alcoholic

beverages allowed on firing lines at any time.

14. No organized "Group Use" of IRPC range without prior permission.

15. All members and their guests must comply with IRPC's posted rules. Non-compliance will result in expulsion

from the range, membership revoked and you will not be allowed to rejoin.

16. Members or their guests who cause damage beyond normal range use or cause IRPC to be held liable for

damages / penalties or fines, shall be solely liable for those actions and costs.

Members and guests must handle themselves in a SAFE and COURTEOUS manner while using the range.

Please be aware of your surroundings and neighbors while using the range. This club belongs to all of us.

Report any infractions to a club officer (numbers posted on club bulletin boards) or in the event of an

immediate threat or danger dial 911. Looking the other way is not a resolution.

Members and guests must handled themselves in a SAFE and COURTEOUS manner while using the range. Please be aware of your surroundings and neighbors using the range. This club belongs to us all. Report any infractions to a club officer or police the range yourself. Looking the other way is not a resolution.

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